Saturday, January 5, 2019

Goodreads 2019

I love Goodreads, it's easy to use, pretty interface and I use it as a resource to look up reviews, information, books and quotes all the time. It is my go-to website for books and author information. The Goodreads challenge is a feature on the site where at the start of each year you can set a reading goal. 

Let's look at my Goodreads Challenge history:

I have failed every challenge I set for myself since 2012. Except in 2018, I did not set a goal that year and I did not read many books that year either (11+ books).

I'm putting this out there because while I do love reading, I don't want to give the impression that I can devour books as quickly as I use to when I was younger.

It has become fairly difficult for me to immerse myself into books in the past years. Not because I don't enjoy books but because life gets in the way.

I don't even know what I was thinking in 2016 when I put 160 books. I do feel disappointed when I fail my challenges and that did play a role in not participating in 2018. 

The Goodreads challenge has an edit button. You can edit your challenge during the year: you can add more books you want to read or you could add less.

I've heard many complaints about this feature: many feel you should not be able to edit the challenge while others don't mind at all. What do you think?

I personally also agree, but I don't mind that there is a button to edit your goal. I think it implies personal responsibility and leaves it all up to you. 

leave your thoughts in the comments below 


  1. I've used Goodreads and its reading challenge feature for a few years now, and it's really handy to track the number of your read books, your personal rating for those books and reviews. It also partly acts as a low-key motivator to make more time to read some good books if you participate in the yearly challenges.
    Personally I only used the edit function once: one year the amount of books I could read slowly but surely decreased each month. Having failed this challenge the previous year, I reluctantly adjusted my number and completed my goal with a few extra book to spare. Ever since I just determined a set amount of books at the start of each year and just made sure I still enjoyed reading them. And if I managed to reach my goal without adjusting it, that would just be an extra bonus!
    So yes, I do understand if other people want to use the edit function, but for me it isn't necessary (anymore).

    1. Interesthing points. I agree it does act as a low-key motivator. Esp. when it reminds you how many books you're behind or ahead.
      and you are absolutely right, the main goal should still be the enjoyment of reading. I guess I lose sight of that sometimes and get too competitive with myself.

      Thanx for sharing you thoughts with me.


Thanx for reading!
what are your thoughts?

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