Saturday, January 7, 2012

~ Genre's ~

I like to read. My favorite genre would be Fiction/Fantasy. Lately I've read a lot of Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. But also some Young Adult, Contemporary, Thrillers, Romance, Literature, Philosophy, Children's and a lot more. There are so many genre's out there I've yet to explore. I don't wanna stay in one genre . I want to mix it up. I'd like to explore some Sci-Fi and Historical maybe. Oh and some Steampunk and Dystopian.

I was browsing through the genre's list on goodreads, when i found a genre called "Bizzaro fiction" a sub genre of horror i think. "Bizzaro" yeah you've guessed it right : weird shit!

"Bizarro fiction is a contemporary literary genre, which often utilizes elements of absurdism, satire, and the grotesque, along with pop-surrealism and genre fiction staples, in order to create subversive works that are as weird and entertaining as possible". 

Great odds that's it's about crazy people doing crazy ,disgusting,scary-crazy-disgusting things. Of course this is mere speculation on my part from the many titles I've seen on goodreads. 
 -A Bear is Eating Me 
- A Haunted Vagina
-The Menstruating Mall
-Satan Burger (followed by the cover, of a naked guy crouching over a plate he's I assume about to SHIT on)
- The Baby Jesus Butt Plug
-Ass Goblins of Auschwitz 
-Sausagey Santa ?

 Some of these titles bug me to a certain end, that would make me not want to read the book. Of course there were other books with less freaky titles . this genre seems interesting enough. I found one book that  interested me  and added it to my TBR list. "Armadillo Fists" by Carlton Mellick III

It's about a woman , Psycho June Howard, aka Armadillo Fists,  who replaced both of her hands with living armadillos. Bizzar? oh i know.

What's your favorite genre? are you exploring any new genre's?


  1. Hello.

    I've recently had a collection of stories, "A Hollow Cube is a Lonely Space," published by Eraserhead Press (publisher of "Armadillo Fists," et al.). If you're interested in reviewing it, I'll send you a PDF copy.

    Here's an Amazon link, where you can see cover art, blurb and sample chapters:


    S.D. Foster

  2. Seems interesthing. you can send the pdf to

    I'm new at reviewing so don't expect anything great. but it will be honest.


Thanx for reading!
what are your thoughts?

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